Friday, January 21, 2011

Villa Wellington

Villa Wellington is a small Peruvian restaurant. If you’re looking for somewhere cozy to dine then this is a suggestion. This restaurant offers a variety of Peuvian dishes. The food is really good and unique from all the others. For twenty dollars you can get a delicious and satisfying meal, but don’t forget bring a little extra for the fine Peruvian waiters.

I ordered a dish called “Mero a lo Macho” and to drink I had an “inka cola”. It took around 15 minutes for my dish to arrive. The waiter was friendly and great at helping make my order by explaining what the different dishes had to offer. Mero a lo macho consisted of shrimps and scallops, rice and tomato with melted cheese on top. The large amount of shrimps and scallops were glazed in a orange colored sauce that tasted really nice. The spice in it was mild and unlike ant other spice I’ve tasted. That mixed with the rice was delicious. The tomato with the melted cheese on top was also very good. The way they placed everything was pretty and also the way they cut the tomatoes and put the melted cheese on top looked like a work of art. This definitely has become one of my favorite restaurants. The food was satisfying and I had enough left back to carry home my mom loved it.

This restaurant would be perfect for couples. The lights are dim low which gives it this cozy effect. There’s a few figurines hung up on the wall that make up the décor. The blinds on the windows are really pretty and fancy. The front counter is pretty messy though and behind it reveals apart of the kitchen which makes it look a little tacky. Since the restaurant is pretty small it would be best to make a reservation first. In case you’re wondering what to wear come dressed casually.

1 star = Poor, below average
2 stars = Just o.k not worth rushing back to
3 stars = Good, food is delicious
4 stars = Excellent
5 stars = Over the top, high class

$= less than 20
$$= 30-40
$$$= 40-50
$$$$= 45 or more

1 thumb = Poor
2 thumbs = O.k
3 thumbs = Great

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


This is a small Lebanese restaurant located on Cote des neiges and the corner of Van Horne. They sell a variety of dishes and sandwiches. I ordered the mixte shwarma and had it rolled in a pita for the go. In case you’re wondering what that is like myself when I first ordered it here’s a brief overview : inside has three different kinds of meat beef, chicken and lamb which is put together on a flat bread called pita and rolled up like taco and put in foil paper. The interesting thing about this is how it’s made. So there’s this long stick/log and around is a massive amount of raw meat. As the meat rotates on the log it slowly gets heated by a hating source behind it. Once cooked the meat is thinly sliced off with a large knife.

The Shwarma I ordered was pretty good although after a few bites I got tired of it. I don’t know what exactly it was but something in it was kind of hard which made it difficult to chew. Or maybe it was the fact that it had so much things in it that made it hard. The meat tasted good although when it was in my mouth I couldn’t identify which was which. They all had a similar taste that I liked and never tasted before . The atmosphere in there is really dead. The only noise came from the cars outside there was only one other person eating there so there was no loud chattering. The style was really simple there was nothing hanging on the wall. The walls were a darkish orange on top and a brown tile on the lower half. The restaurant is pretty small so there was only a few seats. Not the type of restaurant to accommodate large groups of people. More a type of restaurant anyone will enjoy alone or with a friend or two. They also have free wi fi so you can bring your lap top!

The service is great the staff was very friendly and inviting. Most of all they were very good at explaining the different dishes they have and what they consisted of. In fact when I went there I couldn’t find my interact card and the guy was nice to offer me the meal free of charge as long as I visited again soon. Overall this was an okay restaurant if you’re looking for a calm and quiet place to dine this is the place to go.

6135 Cote des neiges corner of Van Horne

  • Free delivery
Food= 2 stars
Cost = $
Atmosphere= 1 thumb up
Service= 3 thumbs up

1 star = Poor, below average
2 stars = Just o.k not worth rushing back to
3 stars = Good, food is delicious
4 stars = Excellent
5 stars = Over the top, high class

$= less than 20
$$= 30-40
$$$= 40-50
$$$$= 45 or more

1 thumb = Poor
2 thumbs = O.k
3 thumbs = Great